savons solides, savon de marseille, cosmétique bio, gels douche, lait pour le corps, crèmes visage, huile de monoi, fabriqué en France

Fr | En | It

Frequently asked questions

Frequently Asked Questions

How can you place an order on your site?
In order to place an order, you must first apply to open an account. After analyzing your request, an administrator will send you a confirmation email with your access codes. Our site is reserved for traders, e-traders or fairground.

What is the minimum order amount?
There is no minimum order, nor minimum quantity. If you want products with customization a minimum is applicable.

What are the delivery times?
The delivery time for France is D+3 after ordering, for any order that does not require customization.

Is there an amount to reach for free shipping? (Free shipping)
Yes. The amount of the postage free is €1,000 including taxes or €833 excluding tax.

How can we obtain product data sheets?
Once your customer account is created, you can download all the datasheets in .pdf format directly on the article worksheets.

How do I place an order if I am an individual?
Our offer is for merchants, you can buy our products directly from our dealer dealers of our offers. List available on our site for each country.

Where do the products come from?
Our cosmetic products are made in France, foutas products and baskets in Tunisia and Morocco. In general, we prefer a "made in" manufacturing policy.

Where are your warehouses?
Our warehouses and show room are located: 510 avenue de jouques 13400 Aubagne, FRANCE

Can we pick up the goods on site to avoid shipping costs?
Yes. you can specify your delivery method when validating your order.
Do you make deliveries abroad?
Yes. We deliver to all countries in the Eurozone. For sales in other continents/destinations you can make your requests by email in order to specify the shipping conditions. contact[@]
How do I contact you if there is a problem with an order?
Customer service is available by email at contact[@]